How about doing a collaborative jigsaw puzzle? Jigsaw Explorer might be just the ticket for a bit of community building. This site have a wide range of options for free virtual puzzle solving based on your choice of expertise and number of pieces involved.
Jigsaw Explorer allows you to collaborate in a virtual classroom, with friends and family on the assembly of the same jigsaw puzzle over the internet. Each player sees the moves of the other players on their screens as the group assembles the puzzle together. Any jigsaw puzzle at Jigsaw Explorer, and any custom jigsaw puzzle, can be played as a multiplayer game.
A few ways to use Jigsaw Explorer in a classroom or virtual classroom include but aren’t limited to:
?Digital Breakout Clues
?Reveal a top secret mission for students
?Anticipatory Set: Have students guess what your next unit of study might be after assembling the puzzle (Ex. A picture of a desert or pyramids for Ancient Egypt)
?Answer to a Challenge Question of the Day
?Special Announcements
?Anything to build excitement!
?Showcase student art by making it into a jigsaw puzzle
Simple, easy to use and no login required! Embed on your class blog/website or share with a link. Other sharing options are available like email and social media.
There are plenty of educational jigsaw puzzles available of things like maps or the periodic table of elements. Assembling these puzzles is a low-stress and fun way to familiarize kids and students with concepts they need to memorize.
Aside from teaching new concepts and facts, jigsaw puzzles are a constructive way to keep kids and students quiet and focused. When students work together on puzzles, they learn teamwork, cooperation, and sharing. There’s a feeling of satisfaction in fitting the pieces together, one that can be calming for many people. Jigsaw Explorer Puzzles don’t require instructions or rules—students can work on them in a virtual classroom just by clicking on the link provided from the teacher.