Basic Conception, Development & Test
of Methods and Processes at the Transition School – Training – Working Life
In the second phase (May 2021 to July 2022), we innovatively combined existing real and digital methods and adapted them to the given conditions and developed new approaches.
3 main areas of work:
From the results of the online questionnaires and the qualitative interviews, basic concepts are created and methods, procedures and exemplary applications of tools for different learning environments at the transitions school – training – working life are innovatively developed.
We ask ourselves 3 INNOVATIVE questions:
- What is already in use? What examples are there specific for educational and vocational guidance at the transition school – training – working life?
- How can they be innovatively combined with each other? How can we use them in a new way?
- What is the missing element to be used for the methods and procedures? What can/must be newly developed such as e.g., additional didactic materials?
Here are some examples of tools that can be used for different learning environments during school, training, and career transitions:
Five ways to investigate the news from medias
3 online modules of the career catching counsellors
DIY‐Packages (Do‐It‐Yourself‐Packages)
The exciting world of technology. PARTICIPATE instead of just watching!
Of educational and vocational counsellors, pedagogues, trainers in companies, educators for the test phase;
Concepts for training in the test phase of educational and vocational counsellors, pedagogues, trainers in companies, educators are developed.
Selected educational and vocational counsellors, pedagogues, trainers in companies or educators test the developed methods and procedures and integrated tools for a certain period of time according to their own learning environment: e.g., schools for one semester, smaller groups for career orientation in NGOs, e.g., 1 month, etc.