In the meantime, we have created and categorized a catalog of 15 different digital tools. This is the result of a multi-step work process, at the beginning of which we had compiled an open list of almost 30 tools. After self-testing, feedback from practitioners, and another feedback loop, we found 15 tools to be particularly suitable. For these, we have developed example scenarios of how they can be used in different learning settings for career orientation.
In a pilot phase, we tested the tools and scenarios in practice. The participants received training to get to know the tools and their possible uses.
We have grouped the tools into five different categories:
Collaboration & networking
Well applicable to share and enable access to documents, improve social interaction in the classroom, and strengthen communication and collaboration in a working group.
Gamification: quiz
Well applicable to evaluate and assess learning progress. The results allow a review of the learning outcomes. In addition, these tools bring fun and competition into different learning settings and support the students’ motivation.
Gamification: learning games
Great to make learning a fun and playful activity, increase engagement and motivation, and improve social interactions informally with real-time engaging feedback. Useful for alternative moments in the classroom, to take a break or to end a long lesson.
Very Suitable to visualize, structure, share and document work process and results on a common platform.
Video & animation
Very suitable for creating your own content and creatively summarising learning outcomes. Use visual learning for intuitive and faster understanding. Exciting and especially ideal for young people.